Oh hello again.... it's been a minute.... – Nickel City Wax and Wane

Oh hello again.... it's been a minute....

Well I think it’s time to say hi again. I have been hiding quite a bit these last few months!!

Hi! And incase you don't know who I am, I'm Jenn, the owner of Nickel City Wax and Wane. I originally created Wax and Wane as a physical community arts studio that asked people to show up bravely, authentically, and without judgement…to try different classes and series, materials, and styles of creating that pushed them out of their comfort zones so they could find their voice and build confidence in themselves to live their lives bold AF.

I was given the opportunity to move into a bigger space so I left our tiny, cozy haven only for it to fall through a few months later. And then the next space fell through, and the next, and then the next. So, I took some time to go into hermit mode. I thought, well these spaces aren’t happening for a reason so I need to reflect and regroup. I spent the last 7 months stripping Wax and Wane to the bare bones services that were loved and working well still. In these last few months of contemplation and regrouping, I have heard from SO many of you. I have heard how much you miss our tiny lil haven and the community we all built of strength, support, compassion, and creativity. I have heard stories of what some of our classes, series, and events did for people’s ability to open up to themselves; to push themselves past what they thought possible for themselves, and gave them the strength to start moving in directions that were more aligned with who they wanted to become. I have heard success story after success story and it has made me so proud of what was built. And I miss it very much. I miss you all very much.

About 18months ago, before leaving the studio space, I applied for a small business program and was told to apply again the next year. Since I didn’t have a physical studio space anymore, I didn’t reapply. I thought what’s the point? A few weeks ago, I was talking with my boyfriend and said “I think I need to pack up Wax and Wane for a bit, I am not sure if owning my own business is for me right now.” I was so disheartened and just exhausted. I felt like nothing I did was the right decision, that every move I made was taking me further away from all that I loved and had built over a few years time….and just when I was ready to call it quits, the very next day…. I got an email asking if I was still interested in the program and if I would like to interview….

Well, I will be attending an entrepreneurial leadership program through UB starting in September! I am seeing this like everything else that has come my way since starting down this creative small business journey… just when I was feeling so lost and hopeless, an incredible opportunity is placed in front of me... some call it happen stance, luck, coincidence... but I like to call it divine timing. As any of you who have talked with me over these last few months knows, I have continually said it's clearly just not the right time for a new physical space so I am not stressing, it will happen when it's supposed to. I have been taking this time as a chance to really figure out what I want Wax and Wane to be and where it will go, moving forward. I can’t tell you how stoked I am and just how ready I am to take things to the next level!

SOOOO, in the meantime, I hope that you will still have fun with me while I use all my creative talents to support my family while taking this series through UB. I will continue to host rad creative experiences at friend’s venues like Candyman, I am expanding my intuitive readings from fun, quirky after hours sessions at the bar to an actual full service side business! I hope that you will be curious enough to pop on by for an in person reading or swing by the website for links to email and virtual readings!

Over the next few weeks I will be reorganizing the website a bit and you will be seeing more of a push on all the socials! I am getting my spark back and really feeling called to continue to do what I was building with the studio, just in a different way. In the last couple of months of doing readings regularly, the feedback I have gotten has aligned so much with what we were doing at the studio in terms of empowering people to find their voice, tune into their intuition, and live boldly and bravely.

Please feel free to stop by the DMs to chat or come see me while I’m working! I have missed the interaction so much but very much needed the reset and regrouping that took place! 

Keep those peepers peeled, I've got some really fun stuff coming your way!!!

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